I am sure you have heard before that writing a book is no piece of cake. When I started, I constantly felt overwhelmed. I wrote each chapter by hand – my preference before typing away (making several modifications in the process). There were times I felt like I was never going to finish. As I wrote, each concept I came up with led to another version. Then another notebook inked with the story and more painful typing sessions. I knew that if I gave up, I wouldn’t forgive myself, so I kept writing.
Then came the dreaded writer’s block. It not only hurt my writing but broke my self-confidence. I finally realized that instead of becoming intimidated by it, I needed to stop. I put down my pen and picked up a book to read or listened to music. I gave myself a break. Doing that helped me pick up where I left off with renewed energy.
What I enjoyed writing the most were the characters. When I completed the book, I had a hard time letting go, almost like a parent, well, isn’t an author like a parent to the characters? I kept coming back, making quick edits for each of them, repeatedly. Finally, I realized they were perfect, each in their own way. What can I say? I was proud to have written, or shall I say, raised them.